Wednesday, May 08, 2013


What an insane last week or so. There has been so much going on, packing, unpacking, moving, cleaning, washing it has gone by so quickly and in such a blur. 
There is still so much to do. This coming weekend will be spent unpacking and cleaning everything up. We still have a couple more heavy things that we need to move but we are almost completely out of the house. 
I am honestly so in love with our new place. I just can't contain my sheer contentment waking up in the mornings and going to sleep at night in that place. One thing is for certain though, I will never move back into a basement again. Looking back I just don't know how I did it. Barely any light, always cool and dampish...this new place, the sun is streaming in and wakes you up in the mornings, it is just marvelous!
So you can imagine how happy I am...well, I will be happier once everything is completely out of the house as we have a couple more trips to go. But it is almost all done and over with. Thank goodness.

Anyways...I got a bit of a housewarming gift from my great friend Kev - the books on my wish list. :) All the fantastic cookbooks. I went through two of them yesterday {the other four are on their way} and they are unreal - in a good way of course. 
I am going to definitely do some reviews on these books once things settle down. :) 

Other then that let's do a little editorial and then a recipe a little later on. 

Dewi Driegen by Enrique Badulesou for Elle UK June 2013.



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